Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Personnel officer, recruiter, hr, headhunter - what is the difference?

1. External recruiter

Employee agency employee. He masters selection from scratch, trains on live situations and unpromising clients. He closes his first vacancy after a couple of months of work, after which he immediately feels more confident and almost professional. Two years later, the recruiter of a recruiting agency feels that at least half of the country's population has been interviewed by him.

He is able to conduct 50 interviews a day, after which he can independently get home, and the next day come to work at 6 in the morning to prepare for the next 50 interviews.

Amazed if someone does not remember by heart the details of his resume over the past ten years. He knows that the most reliable candidate will certainly use the slightest chance to fill up the interview with the client company.

Arranging his personal life, he requires that “candidates” come with a resume on their first date. The controllability of a potential husband is checked by a request to fill out a questionnaire on six sheets. In a personal conversation with friends, in response to a proposal to meet tomorrow, he may suddenly answer: “If you make a positive decision, I will call you back.”

She dreams of selling herself as a customer company as an internal recruiter.
2. Corporate recruiter or internal

He is a recruiter. Most often, a female person. As a rule, before that I managed to work in a recruitment agency. The first two months of work are confident that she has made a brilliant career. Condescendingly and downcastly communicates with “girls” from recruiting agencies, including with yesterday’s colleagues, although sometimes they can’t cope with the entire amount of work without their help.

Confidently conducts interviews with secretaries and salespeople. He does not like to look for IT specialists and lawyers, it is difficult to communicate with them. The cherished dream is to choose a new leader for the HR department. By the end of the first minute of the interview, he realizes that the candidate is not suitable. Then he stoically talks for another 15 minutes so as not to spoil the company's HR brand. After a trial period, he suddenly discovers that a priori is to blame for all personnel problems of the company. Every day, line managers gloomily remind her of this.

Able to conduct interviews without leaving half-asleep, while nodding exactly to the beat of the applicant’s replicas. He knows for sure that the best candidates will still get a job in another company. He does not lose optimism and hopes to become an HR director.
3. HR

I am sure that it is he who is engaged in the most important work in the HR department, because the document is always more important than a person, and all this adaptation, motivation, is for averting eyes. The personnel officer fanatically uses standardized forms of personnel records, despite their official cancellation. It can explain how HR is different from HR management, emphasizing the priority of HR. He does not like being called a bureaucrat.

The only person in the company who knows exactly how many people work in it. Sometimes in secret he tells the general about it. No worse than a lawyer can explain what rights an employee has, but he understands that the day he shares this knowledge will be his last working day.

Before checking by various bodies, he becomes superstitious, fasts and recalls student omens. If the check is unsuccessful, then he knows that hara-kiri is the most painless way to leave the company.
4. HR manager, HR-generalist

This “ugly duckling” of modern management is able to single-handedly replace the entire HR department: he knows the selection very well, can somehow arrange personnel documents, adapt a little, train a little, attest a drop, fire a little. The HR manager knows a lot about people that even psychiatrists don’t know. It can explain how HR management differs from personnel management, emphasizing the priority of HR management.

Easily finds a common language with the sales department, often on the knives with bookkeeping due to the constant waste of maintaining the microclimate in the company. Once a quarter, patiently explains to the general why it is impossible to expel everyone and recruit new ones. He perceives the order to organize a corporate holiday as a sophisticated humiliation, because the third corporate party with paper caps and pipes usually ends with the dismissal of its organizer.

He knows a couple of terms from all professional fields, but does not remember which one relates to what. For a long time I was confident that corporate culture was “not to swear”. At heart, he is offended when workers become silent at his approach, but he tries not to give a look. Sometimes she is envious of other employees who can afford to talk about the company and management what they think.

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