Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Benefits of Microsoft Ukraine Remote Work

1. Flexible schedule

The first advantage that remote work is associated with is the ability to independently plan your time and to set the ratio of work and rest time yourself.

Of course, the remote employee also has deadlines for completing tasks. But in most cases, nothing will stop you from starting your work day later or earlier. You can take a break for a couple of hours during the day to go to the gym when there are fewer people, and transfer the remaining work to the evening.
2. Less stress

In remote work, you can’t avoid communicating with superiors, colleagues and customers if your position involves all of this. But communication will mostly be remote, which means you will be less exposed to stresses like “calling the rug” to the bosses.

This item will not work only for those who have small children at home - it is very difficult for them to explain that you work, even from home. Therefore, properly equip the workplace and explain to your family that you are “at work”, otherwise additional stress cannot be avoided.
3. More travel

When you are traveling, there is no guarantee that you will have a convenient workplace next to a power outlet and fast Internet. In general, work in nature and during travels is not always as beautiful as is commonly believed, but you can definitely travel more.

For example, you can go on vacation earlier, work for some time in a new place, and then continue your vacation there. And if you take care of creating a convenient workplace away from home, you can work there for a long time. Indeed, recently it has become popular to leave for the winter in warm countries without breaking away from the work process.
4. Household chores

When you first start working from home, it is usually difficult to break away from the process on time. But if you plan your work time competently, you can manage to solve household and personal affairs in parallel with work.

Harvesting or preparing food will be a great way to switch from work issues and free thoughts, such a change of activities during the day helps to more efficiently complete tasks. The main thing here is also not to get carried away and not to forget that you still have a working day.
5. Prompt solution of urgent tasks

If your employer supports the BYOD concept and allows you to use your personal laptop and smartphone for work purposes, then you will have all the technical means so that in case of a crisis you can successfully solve urgent issues without having to rush to the office.

“We are seeing how the needs of users in the world are changing. The line between work and home has almost been blurred, people want to have access to their data from anywhere, from any device and not go to the office in order to open some kind of file from a work computer. The most progressive company executives have already recognized this trend and are introducing solutions that help effectively manage new devices in their corporate networks, as well as develop policies governing rules for working outside the office, ”summarizes the above Tatyana Marushevskaya.

6. Save time

Working where it is convenient for you, you will begin to spend much less time on transport. Traveling in a metropolis can be up to four hours a day in large cities.

Even if you spend only one hour a day on the way to the office and back, then for a year these hours will be more than 10 full days. This time can be spent on vacation or vacation.
7. Cost saving

Calculate how much money you spend on public transport or gasoline. Now multiply this number by the number of working days in a year - about 250. Impressed? Working at home, you will not only save on transportation costs: you will not need to spend money on lunches with colleagues, because homemade food is at hand, and spending on new clothes and shoes will decrease several times.

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