Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Personnel officer, recruiter, hr, headhunter - what is the difference?

1. External recruiter

Employee agency employee. He masters selection from scratch, trains on live situations and unpromising clients. He closes his first vacancy after a couple of months of work, after which he immediately feels more confident and almost professional. Two years later, the recruiter of a recruiting agency feels that at least half of the country's population has been interviewed by him.

He is able to conduct 50 interviews a day, after which he can independently get home, and the next day come to work at 6 in the morning to prepare for the next 50 interviews.

Amazed if someone does not remember by heart the details of his resume over the past ten years. He knows that the most reliable candidate will certainly use the slightest chance to fill up the interview with the client company.

Arranging his personal life, he requires that “candidates” come with a resume on their first date. The controllability of a potential husband is checked by a request to fill out a questionnaire on six sheets. In a personal conversation with friends, in response to a proposal to meet tomorrow, he may suddenly answer: “If you make a positive decision, I will call you back.”

She dreams of selling herself as a customer company as an internal recruiter.
2. Corporate recruiter or internal

He is a recruiter. Most often, a female person. As a rule, before that I managed to work in a recruitment agency. The first two months of work are confident that she has made a brilliant career. Condescendingly and downcastly communicates with “girls” from recruiting agencies, including with yesterday’s colleagues, although sometimes they can’t cope with the entire amount of work without their help.

Confidently conducts interviews with secretaries and salespeople. He does not like to look for IT specialists and lawyers, it is difficult to communicate with them. The cherished dream is to choose a new leader for the HR department. By the end of the first minute of the interview, he realizes that the candidate is not suitable. Then he stoically talks for another 15 minutes so as not to spoil the company's HR brand. After a trial period, he suddenly discovers that a priori is to blame for all personnel problems of the company. Every day, line managers gloomily remind her of this.

Able to conduct interviews without leaving half-asleep, while nodding exactly to the beat of the applicant’s replicas. He knows for sure that the best candidates will still get a job in another company. He does not lose optimism and hopes to become an HR director.
3. HR

I am sure that it is he who is engaged in the most important work in the HR department, because the document is always more important than a person, and all this adaptation, motivation, is for averting eyes. The personnel officer fanatically uses standardized forms of personnel records, despite their official cancellation. It can explain how HR is different from HR management, emphasizing the priority of HR. He does not like being called a bureaucrat.

The only person in the company who knows exactly how many people work in it. Sometimes in secret he tells the general about it. No worse than a lawyer can explain what rights an employee has, but he understands that the day he shares this knowledge will be his last working day.

Before checking by various bodies, he becomes superstitious, fasts and recalls student omens. If the check is unsuccessful, then he knows that hara-kiri is the most painless way to leave the company.
4. HR manager, HR-generalist

This “ugly duckling” of modern management is able to single-handedly replace the entire HR department: he knows the selection very well, can somehow arrange personnel documents, adapt a little, train a little, attest a drop, fire a little. The HR manager knows a lot about people that even psychiatrists don’t know. It can explain how HR management differs from personnel management, emphasizing the priority of HR management.

Easily finds a common language with the sales department, often on the knives with bookkeeping due to the constant waste of maintaining the microclimate in the company. Once a quarter, patiently explains to the general why it is impossible to expel everyone and recruit new ones. He perceives the order to organize a corporate holiday as a sophisticated humiliation, because the third corporate party with paper caps and pipes usually ends with the dismissal of its organizer.

He knows a couple of terms from all professional fields, but does not remember which one relates to what. For a long time I was confident that corporate culture was “not to swear”. At heart, he is offended when workers become silent at his approach, but he tries not to give a look. Sometimes she is envious of other employees who can afford to talk about the company and management what they think.

The best and worst ways to explain the reason for quitting an interview

Best Answer Options

If you have not changed your job for a long time (more than two years), your case is not the most difficult, and a good answer would be to justify the change of work:

    “I got the maximum in my previous job.” List the results that you have achieved as part of your work in the company, and indicate the moment when you realized for yourself that there are no prospects for growth and development for me.
    "My work was underestimated." Tell that on the part of the management, no one noted successes and did not encourage the initiative.
    "I was lured to work in an interesting field of activity." You did not personally look for work, you were offered it.

If your work experience is intermittent, and you have worked on the spot for less than a year, then the winning versions are as follows:

    “The company has not held back its financial obligations.” If you are unlucky with an employer who has not paid what was promised or paid less, you will be understood in any case.
    "You were forced to do the job at all of the position you were taking." A strong-willed decision not to do work that was not arranged, it is commendable.
    Personal (family) circumstances. In life, turning points happen: illness, moving, rethinking life. Such reasons are permissible.

Obviously incorrect answers will be:

    "They cut me." If so, then specify by what criterion the company carried out the reduction, whom it left to work, so that it becomes clear that it was not your incompetence.
    “We did not agree with the management in the vision of the further development of the company.” Clarify what the real differences are with the management, convincing the recruiter that you are as open as possible and fought to the end. If you cannot explain what exactly your leader was wrong or intolerable, then this reason will not add you points.
    "After six months, the company asked for an increase in salary or position, but was refused, so he left." Few employers believe that six months is enough time to make a career, and you don’t feel like being under the pressure of such an employee.
    “He left because another company gave a thousand more.” This reason is rarely liked by employers, because they are afraid of too greedy employees whose loyalty disappears when they see a few notes after four months of work. And if this is the reason for several work shifts, then the chances of getting a new place become close to zero, especially for middle and top positions.

10 sites for brain training


This site greets us with the phrase: “There are no people with bad memory. There are people who do not know how to use it. ” Performing simple exercises, you can develop memory, gain skills in remembering numbers, words and texts, develop attention and imaginative thinking. Also on the site there are small articles with useful tips.

On the site you can check the memory and undergo an online training of attention, concentration, reaction and other brain functions using programs and games. There is a detailed theoretical part that talks about what the brain is and how to maintain it in good condition.

Here are some well-known puzzle games that are easy to run online to stretch your brain.

On this site there is only one simulator for the brain - the N-back puzzle. This exercise, which improves the operational ("working") memory, improves mobile intelligence, optimizes the speed of thinking. The essence of the game: the user sees the squares in the cells of the matrix and hears the letters. In this case, it is necessary to determine and indicate whether the presented image met at n-positions (1, 2, 3 ...) back.

The games posted on this site are designed to train memory, speed, flexibility of thinking, computational skills. Before you begin training, you will need to determine the capabilities of the mind that you want to develop in the first place. This will determine the choice of exercises for training.

This is a site about the capabilities of the human brain and the development of intelligence. Here they talk about how our head is arranged, how everything works there, and give advice on how to speed up this work. For example, there is an article “How to improve short-term memory”, logic puzzles and much more.

In the “Shape of the Mind” section, the site offers various fun exercises and puzzles for training memory, attention, imagination, speed and flexibility of the mind. You can just have fun - for example, there is a funny puzzle "Seed", where you lose the logic of what is happening somewhere in the fifth or sixth step.

Online games for the development of memory, training for observation, for visual memory.

Brainexer has a wide variety of exercises: concentration tasks, sorting, switching, word groups and lists, arithmetic operations, missing numbers, counting characters, finding a path, and others.
Quantified mind

If English is almost like native to you, pay attention to this platform. There are tests for motor skills, verbal, context switching, short-term memory, reaction time, visual perception, and many others. At the same time, users can not only train their brain, but also participate in various studies.

Benefits of Microsoft Ukraine Remote Work

1. Flexible schedule

The first advantage that remote work is associated with is the ability to independently plan your time and to set the ratio of work and rest time yourself.

Of course, the remote employee also has deadlines for completing tasks. But in most cases, nothing will stop you from starting your work day later or earlier. You can take a break for a couple of hours during the day to go to the gym when there are fewer people, and transfer the remaining work to the evening.
2. Less stress

In remote work, you can’t avoid communicating with superiors, colleagues and customers if your position involves all of this. But communication will mostly be remote, which means you will be less exposed to stresses like “calling the rug” to the bosses.

This item will not work only for those who have small children at home - it is very difficult for them to explain that you work, even from home. Therefore, properly equip the workplace and explain to your family that you are “at work”, otherwise additional stress cannot be avoided.
3. More travel

When you are traveling, there is no guarantee that you will have a convenient workplace next to a power outlet and fast Internet. In general, work in nature and during travels is not always as beautiful as is commonly believed, but you can definitely travel more.

For example, you can go on vacation earlier, work for some time in a new place, and then continue your vacation there. And if you take care of creating a convenient workplace away from home, you can work there for a long time. Indeed, recently it has become popular to leave for the winter in warm countries without breaking away from the work process.
4. Household chores

When you first start working from home, it is usually difficult to break away from the process on time. But if you plan your work time competently, you can manage to solve household and personal affairs in parallel with work.

Harvesting or preparing food will be a great way to switch from work issues and free thoughts, such a change of activities during the day helps to more efficiently complete tasks. The main thing here is also not to get carried away and not to forget that you still have a working day.
5. Prompt solution of urgent tasks

If your employer supports the BYOD concept and allows you to use your personal laptop and smartphone for work purposes, then you will have all the technical means so that in case of a crisis you can successfully solve urgent issues without having to rush to the office.

“We are seeing how the needs of users in the world are changing. The line between work and home has almost been blurred, people want to have access to their data from anywhere, from any device and not go to the office in order to open some kind of file from a work computer. The most progressive company executives have already recognized this trend and are introducing solutions that help effectively manage new devices in their corporate networks, as well as develop policies governing rules for working outside the office, ”summarizes the above Tatyana Marushevskaya.

6. Save time

Working where it is convenient for you, you will begin to spend much less time on transport. Traveling in a metropolis can be up to four hours a day in large cities.

Even if you spend only one hour a day on the way to the office and back, then for a year these hours will be more than 10 full days. This time can be spent on vacation or vacation.
7. Cost saving

Calculate how much money you spend on public transport or gasoline. Now multiply this number by the number of working days in a year - about 250. Impressed? Working at home, you will not only save on transportation costs: you will not need to spend money on lunches with colleagues, because homemade food is at hand, and spending on new clothes and shoes will decrease several times.

A cardinal career change: how to understand where to start, what to prepare for

How to understand that you need to change not only work, but also occupation?

To understand whether you have earned money, burn out emotionally, or simply ended up within the framework of the business you are doing, according to Alena Vladimirskaya, a simple experiment will help: retire for a week or two without gadgets, phones, work mail, and so on. Once again, this is important: alone, without work and communications.

If after this period of time you get bored at work, it means that you simply burned out emotionally and the body required rest. If you feel the strength in yourself to continue to do your job, but in a different team - look for the opportunity to transfer to the same position in another company or similar in your own organization. If the aversion to work remains the same, then you should radically change your career.
Where to begin?
1. Summary

Carefully read your resume and determine a set of skills, knowledge, skills that are not related to the industry in which you worked, but which you have developed.
2. Choosing a new industry

Next, you need to choose the industry that you think is interesting, and find the people (at least 5 people) who currently work in it. This should be done because our impressions of a particular field of activity often have nothing to do with what is happening in it.

If you do not fully know how you want to transform your career, ask yourself 3 leading questions:

    How can I help people? Sometimes it’s easier to think about what you can do for other people than to understand what you can do for yourself.
    What does my perfect day look like? What is an ideal working day for you? Whatever this day may look like, this is your new professional goal, which can become more tangible than pathos and foggy posts.
    What can not stand it? Knowing what you don’t want can be almost as useful as knowing what you want. Maybe you are one of those people who can’t clearly name what they really like, but who feel good when they don’t like something.

3. Find recommenders

When you radically want to change your occupation, recruiting is wary of such candidates and reluctantly buys their skills. To get through, you need to find people who can recommend you, and send them your newly packed:

    a resume in which you highlight the profile abilities;
    A cover letter in which you need to indicate an important detail: the skills that are so important for the selected industry, but which often few have, you have because you worked in another field of activity, where they developed.

4. Work tirelessly to sell additional competencies

With a cardinal career change, you are committed to selling additional competencies. Therefore, you can allow yourself to be persistent and not tire of explaining to recruiters the advantages that you possess, and which often do not exist among experienced specialists in the chosen field.

For example, you worked as a programmer, but go into journalism. Technical skills to understand the code will help you in online journalism in working with the site.
Why be prepared?

    Do not be under the illusion that changing your career is a quick process. Such a career transformation takes an average of 6-8 months, but you may be lucky and you can do it soon.
    Morally, be prepared for the fact that you have to work as an assistant in order to gain experience and the basics of a new profession.
    Usually, with a cardinal career change, an average of 15-20% is lost in income. But if you correctly selected a new field of activity, then you will be able to quickly catch up.

A change of job or career direction is often the result of professional burnout. Sometimes such dramatic changes can be avoided if you know how not to burn out at work. Work.ua wishes you to weigh your readiness for such transformations, and if you are ready, good luck!